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Heroin Addict

A Heroin addict is dangerous to any community. The more of them present makes the danger even more of a threat to a community. The addict needs more and more of the substance. No matter what salary is earned, it never seems enough to get the drugs to satisfy their cravings.

The fact is that many a heroin addict does not earn anything near the amount needed to satisfy them. This results in theft and the selling of the stolen items for money. This is only the mild part of the results of an addiction. I knew addicts who would head for the mall first thing in the morning to boost or steal things. Some of them would take orders from their dealer and then trade what they stole for heroin.

In order to get possession of the objects violence is often used. Therefore, not only objects are stolen but lives are ruined and lost. There is no positive result from an heroin addiction.

There are those who put forth solutions to this problem. The obvious one is to rehabilitate these people with professional help. Others think that a substitute substance be manufactured and issued by government authorities so the people do not perpetrate crimes against others. In my opinion this is not a bad idea just think about it there would hardly be any need for prisons. Around 90% of the people in the joint are there for drug related crimes.

A third point of view wants specific drugs legalized. The legalization would make the drugs affordable by cutting into the drug dealers’ and cartels’ monopoly of the drug, and lower the crime caused by the heroine addiction. Still, money is needed to purchase the drugs.

The power of the cartels will be crushed in favor of the government. In the beginning new people will always try a legalized drug. But, in the end is society better by having government legalize being a heroin addict?

If you think that you have a problem with this drug or other for that matter I would suggest that you get some heroin addiction help right away. This can be done in NA meetings which are held world wide.

I am clean today and helping other addicts to stop using drugs and find a new way to live. If you get clean you can become the person you always dreamed of being.

Good luck


I am in recovery myself and I like to write addiction. It is my goal to give others information on how they can stop using, overcome drug addiction and find a new way to live without drugs.

Heroin Addiction: Testimony Heroin Addiction

Testimony Heroin Addiction
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