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Methodone for Heroin Addicts?

Question by Jenna: Methodone for heroin addicts?
I’ve never used either but just wondering why people are still getting prescribed methadone for a heroin problem when most people then become just as addicted to the methadone which when abused isn’t any better for you

Best answer:

Answer by garrytoo
Methodone is not supposed to be as hard to kick.

Answer by izzy
It’s a sort of ‘managed withdrawal’ from heroin.
Methadone is a drug that is similar to heroin, although it lasts a lot longer in the body. It binds to the same receptors as heroin

“A patient who is addicted to heroin will often be prescribed methadone to take instead of heroin and the dose of methadone is gradually reduced over time. This means that the patient can give up heroin avoiding acute withdrawal symptoms.”

Alcohol vs. Marijuana (Part 1)
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol remains the leading addictive substance consumed in the U.S. But according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, marijuana is categorized as a Schedule I substance — in the …
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A Slice – Termite TV project for Videography. Theme was Evolution/Decay. A young man suffering from heroin withdrawal symptoms makes a paranoid journey in real-time to…