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Drexel Study: Heroin Addicts Often Started on Pain Meds –

Heroin Addiction: Drexel study: Heroin addicts often started on pain meds –

Drexel study: Heroin addicts often started on pain meds
Drexel University's Stephen Lankenau, lead investigator for the study, cautioned that only a small portion of those who abuse prescription pain medications go on to become heroin users. He said, however, that most of the heroin users who were

Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: Experts Claim to Develop Vaccine against Heroin Addiction – News Tonight

News Tonight

Experts Claim to Develop Vaccine against Heroin Addiction
News Tonight
''Most cocaine and heroin addicts aren't CEOs and insurance companies don't cover them. But there's clearly a need for this. The billions of dollars spent on wasted lives, theft, destruction, AIDS – it's hard to measure”.

Heroin Addiction – Google News

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