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Heroin Addiction: Region’s Heroin Epidemic to Be Featured in Cable Documentary

Heroin Addiction: Region’s heroin epidemic to be featured in cable documentary

The Enterprise of Brockton, Mass. The A&E television network will broadcast a documentary on this region’s battle with OxyContin and heroin addiction at 9 pm March 24. Part of the network’s “Intervention” series, which focuses on drug addiction, the show is called “Intervention in-depth: Heroin Hits Home” and features many of the people and issues profiled in The Enterprise’s yearlong package of stories called “Wasted Youth.” The “Wasted Youth” stories, which were first published in March 2007, revealed that at least 144 people have died from opiate overdoses in southeastern Mass. since 2004. Many of the victims were under 25. “Heroin Hits Home,” which was filmed over the past two months, will also be broadcast on A&E at 1 am on Tuesday, March 25. For Comcast viewers, A&E is Channel 37 — and Channel 837 for high definition viewing. For more information on the show, go to and click on “schedule.”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Heroin Addiction: ‘Bath salt’ use emerging as statewide trend
The designer drug marketed as “bath salts” is appearing statewide as an emerging drug trend, according to officials from the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.“We are seeing it in some of the different regions, but it is hard for us to say just how big of a problem it is right now,” said Brad DeCamp, the department’s assistant chief of treatment and recovery services.
Read more on Springfield News-Sun

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