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Is There Such a Thing as Doing Hard Drugs “in Moderation”?

Question by Got rings this millennium?: Is there such a thing as doing hard drugs “in moderation”?
Proponents for drug legalization say everyone should be allowed to make their own choices as long as others are not harmed. The problem with this is that no one knows what sort of problems this could lead to and simply disregards the sentiments of a majority of the people. One of their main sticking points they mention is the supposed double standard with the legality of alcohol. But the fact of the matter is, alcohol is for the most part consumed leisurely and in moderation by most people. Is there such a thing as a person who does crack or heroin in moderation without developing an addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Babykins Baby
Yes. While addiction is much more common, there are plenty of ppl who do hard drugs in moderation, or can function fine with them. Ray Charles? Freud? The big problem is the government would loose TONS of jobs if it was legalized…. judges, attorneys, the entire DEA, corrections officers, lots of vice police officers, etc. Did you know that Correction’s Officer’s Unions (one of the strongest unions in the US I might add) actually lobby congress and the senate to impose stricter drug laws in an attempt at job security? Sickening. They would have to tax it, but implementing this would take forever in our bearucratic system. And don’t be fooled, there’s plenty of alcoholics out there, that don’t know what moderation is either. They would also have to take care of an aging population with medical problems that result from years of drug use…. and they already have to do this for alcoholics so why add more to an already burdened medicare system….

my philosophy: Pick your poison. Everyone has one they prefer. Live and let live.

Answer by Ashley N
HAH no. Ive seen this “in moderation” theory crash and burn first handedly and the devestaing effects it had on a person with so much potential and those around him.
First he denied any drug use in his teens, then he admitted by saying meth and crack aren’t bad, and he doesnt do them often. Yet he couldn’t justify the fix he needed to constantly fill. He stole his families ipods, cameras, jewlery, cash, and even spare change.
he is now in his mid twenties, no ged/highschool diploma, no trust/respect, No money, nothing to show for his life. And facing a year or more in jail for current drug charges.
Once you pop you just cant stop.
meth, crack, heroin, etc. they’re addictive substances, and you will need to fill that fix.

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