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Paxil Withdrawal Question… Please Help!?

Question by Cassy R: Paxil Withdrawal Question… Please Help!?
Hey guys…
Can someone please tell me how long do Paxil Withdrawal symptoms last???
I am 24 and very healthy female… I take vitamins and Omega 3s and very good care of my body because I am a professional dancer. I eat well and exercise almost daily. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, no drugs or alcohol or any of that shit. Kind of person that believes everything can be solved with eating healthy/ taking care of yourself. Besides getting my tonsils removed IVE NEVER HAD ANY MAJOR PROBLEMS.

My doctor diagnosed me with general anxiety and depression and was super quick to put me on Paxil and Klonopin aka Clonazepam. Big mistake 🙁 I started both back in January I was feeling super exhausted and completely lost my appetite for a while but started feeling better when I finished the Clonazepam last week. I am doing so much better so I decided to go cold turkey on the paxil three days ago not even thinking it would have side effects. I feel like I’m dying. I never take drugs not even Tylenol. I never get headaches but I have the worst migraine ever, super dizzy, cold sweats, intense shaking, “brain zaps”, vertigo, stomach pain, nausea, and foul smelling urine and feces, and no muscle coordination, horrible horrible nightmares (when I actually can sleep), and extreme insomnia.

It’s been three days cold turkey and I feel like My symptoms are getting worse.. I don’t understand how this can be because I was only on 10 MG of Paxil (HALF A DAMN PILL!) for 2 months and I am having severe withdrawal symptoms like im some kind of addict.

Can someone PLEASE tell me how long this will last for and what I should do? I am not touching the damn pill and would have never taken it in the first place If I knew I would feel like this… I left a message for my doctor but I am not sure what he can really do or tell me. There are not enough curse words in the English language for this shit.
BTW just got off the phone with my doctor and he tried to convince me to go back on it… but WTF. I told him hell no.. he said it should only last for 3 days if I want to tough it out but it’s been three already… 🙁 Damn doctors..
Damn! thanks for the suggestion.. I’m glad you were able to tough it out. I know I can too I am tough chick, the only thing is I have a huge performance in Manhattan coming up in 2 weeks and I cannot to physically afford to be withdrawing for a long period of time… If it becomes completely impossible for me to withstand it then I will do that. I thought getting off drugs was supposed to be a good thing.. sucks… Friday is my birthday. :-\

Best answer:

Answer by Carol
I think you should go back up slightly on the dose you are taking as it’s too fast for your body to cope.
The brain zaps are the worst but they usually go after a couple of months. I know it seems a long time, it’s horrible.
Go back to your doctor, ask for their advice. Cold turkey is not the way to do it, you need help.
Your brain receptors will keep screaming out for the drug unless you do it very slowly.
Good luck

Answer by Damn!
Paxil is a bad drug, I am surprised a doctor would put a healthy young woman on it who is just having what sounds like normal anxiety/blues in her life. I was on Paxil and a myriad of other drugs prescribed by 3 different doctors who didn’t know what the other doctors had prescribed me. I kept falling (I thought) until one night my husband observed me having a seizure. I was so doped the drugs were fighting a war in my brain!

I decided I was getting off all of it. I am trained as a nurse so this helped me in my withdrawal from all the drugs. PAXIL was the worst one to get off of! It is designed to be addictive and in my opinion, it did not help my problems but made them worse. Anyway, how to get off Paxil…let’s address your problem…

The doctor will not tell you this, he will say, “Well, you SHOULDN’T be having this many problems”, and put you on another pill. I hope you have a few Paxil left because you need to take a half today. That would give you 10 mg, you’ll feel better quickly but you’ll still feel pretty bad through out this process but not as bad as you do now…

Tomorrow take the half a pill and with a razor blade, shave off what you estimate to be 1/10th of the half of a pill, giving you 9 mg to take…the day after take another half and shave off what you estimate to be 2/10ths (1/5th) of the half a pill to make 8 mg of Paxil and take it, day after that take half a pill and shave off 3/10ths of the half to make 7 mg to take of the Paxil…you get the drift…

I had to cut the dosage down so slowly it was ridiculous and still felt pretty rough but no headache, and the ‘nerves crawling and zapping’ feeling was less…I suffered but actually lessened the suffering with the gradual withdrawal…

Paxil is like heroin, the dose must be gradually reduced or you get the full blown withdrawal…if you don’t have the pills call the doctor and request a refill of Paxil, just one and don’t tell him what you plan to do. Then proceed from there.

Some days I could only just shave a thin slice of the pill off and take it to keep from feeling like I wasn’t losing my mind, I have been hooked on narcotics, sleeping pills and tranquilizers and Paxil was the hardest to get off of…but I did it. You seem to be a very disciplined person so I think you can do it too.

Today, I am just fine, my nerves bother me sometimes and I think that’s part of life…I have never taken any mood effecting drug again. I was completely off all drugs for quite some time, then went back to a doctor in another city near me to have him as my one doctor (internal medicine)…he had to start me on high blood pressure medicine but other than that, I need no medications…

You are young and will get through this, and may it be a valuable lesson to you. Life is filled with ups and downs and we learn to ride the wave, without drugs. People weren’t meant to feel artificially happy all the time!

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