
Why Does Drug Relapse Happen Even After Decades of Sobriety? – New York Daily News

Why does drug relapse happen even after decades of sobriety? – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Why does drug relapse happen even after decades of sobriety?
New York Daily News
Hoffman had been open about his past drug addiction and in May 2013 admitted to entering a 10-day detox for heroin and prescription pill addiction "more than a year ago." It's been reported that drugs prescribed by a doctor, in addition to heroin, were

Heroin Detox – Google News

Hoffman’s ‘ka month on heroin’ –

Hoffman's '$ 10ka month on heroin'
Hoffman, who won the Best Actor Oscar for the 2005 film Capote, spent 10 days in a detox facility for heroin use in May last year. Philip Seymour Hoffman dead at 46. Star turn… Hoffman as Truman Capote in the 2005 film. At the time, TMZ reported

Heroin Detox – Google News

Heroin: America’s Silent Assassin – Daily Beast

Heroin: America's Silent Assassin
Daily Beast
And so after many years of sobriety, Hoffman checked himself into and completed a 10-day detox for drug abuse. But as we heard yesterday, it didn't hold. We are given a horrific picture of the beloved actor, laying on his bathroom floor with a needle

Heroin Detox – Google News

Heroin Detox Testimonial, “A Better Life”