Heroin Addiction: Does the Phrase ‘Gambling Addiction’ Bear Any Relationship to the Word ‘addiction’?
Question by Jack P: Does the phrase ‘gambling addiction’ bear any relationship to the word ‘addiction’?
Traditionally the difference between an addiction, as opposed to mere self-destructive behavior and habits involved physical dependency reflected in physical withdrawal symptoms:
“Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
“Pronunciation: \?-‘dik-sh?n, a-\
“Function: noun
“Date: 1599
“1 : the quality or state of being addicted
“2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful”
“An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency[1] and tolerance[2] that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.[citation needed]
“Addictions are frequently linked to substance abuse, particularly psychoactive drugs such as narcotics, stimulants, and sedatives among others. It is common in colloquial English usage to extend the use of the term “addiction” to also encompass apparent compulsive behavior and passionate dedication to activities (such as hobbies) by analogy.”
Does a gambling addict [if such a thing exists] develop a tolerance to gambling [allowing it to be characterized as an addiction]?
Does a gambling addict [if such a thing exists] experience physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms when the credit card maxes out, the Roccos working for the loan sharks demand repayment, when jail and prison sentences enforce withdrawal from gambling?
Or is the term ‘gambling addiction’ merely an excuse for continuing self-destructive behavior by utilizing an implied emphatic need carried as baggage in the word addiction?
Is a person whom others refer to as a ‘gambling addict’ an actual addict, or rather a person making serialized consecutive self-destructive choices [more akin to insanity than addiction]?
Maquis: Good answer generally. On the other hand, there probably needs to be some word to distinguish the difference between habitual lousy choices combined with a dearth of self-discipline, and a physical consequence of withdrawal causing the withdrawal to be more difficult. Not to suggest it’s impossible, but I see it as a different phenomenon.
Anti-social behaviors are all choices but they’re sometimes the results of unlike stimuli.
The question is a sincere one addressed here because I suspect the Y/A! Gambling QA is visited by a lot of experts in matters of addiction, both physical and psychological. I’m hoping for insights.
Best answer:
Answer by j.hoffman76
yepp. your additcted to ggambling are you retarded or something
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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