
Heroin Addiction: African Psychedelic Plant Offers Hope for Drug Addiction –

Heroin Addiction: African Psychedelic Plant Offers Hope for Drug Addiction –

African Psychedelic Plant Offers Hope for Drug Addiction
Ibogaine has been used as an underground treatment for heroin addiction, originally passed from user to user, since the 1960s, and many people have also used it on spiritual quests. I've also heard from several sources that low doses of ibogaine can

Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: Heroin addict stole lead off charity shop roof – Thisisgloucestershire

Heroin addict stole lead off charity shop roof
CHARITY bosses are counting the cost after a heroin addict ripped lead from a shop roof. Jason Matthew Marshall's greed has cost them £1200 in repairs. He was spotted on the roof of the Great Oaks Hospice shop in Lydney by a neighbour and police caught

Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: Nassau County Dems accuse Mangano of risking public safety with budget cuts –

Nassau County Dems accuse Mangano of risking public safety with budget cuts
The elimination of the Heroin Task Force is particularly bothersome to the eight-member Democratic Caucus. The task force helped combat the growing menace of heroin addiction across Nassau County. Its members were responsible for 432 arrests in 2010.

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Heroin Addiction – Google News

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