
Heroin Withdrawal: Is Smoking Weed ‘ok’ in Moderation, Like Once a Week?

Question by : is smoking weed ‘ok’ in moderation, like once a week?
I’ve had trouble with daily use and I’ve promised myself to stop for 6 weeks to get it completely out my system. When using almost daily, I liturally couldn’t function without it, I had anxiety and depression on the days without it which was sometimes 3 – 4 days when I’d be out of money. I don’t want to stop completely because it’s a big part of my life (seriously) so once it’s out my system and I’m no longer dependant on it, would it be ok to smoke moderatly? like on Friday’s? or will I still have withdrawal?

Best answer:

Answer by Bob Saget
smoking on the weekend is fine. idk how you had problems with daily use. i did that and i was fine. but i guess everyone is different. weekends you’ll be fine though

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Heroin Withdrawal: roommate nodding out on HEROIN

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