
Anone Who Is Taking Xanax…this Is for You.?

Question by Just Tony: Anone who is taking Xanax…this is for you.?
I have been prescribed Xanax along with my Zoloft I am already on for severe stress and anxiety. I experienced my first anxiety attack a couple weeks ago and had another a couple days ago. So I called my doctor and he gave my Xanax .5mg. So my question is, if you are taking Xanax, what should I expect when I take them. I seriously doubt the doctor would give me something that would harm me, but just wanted to get others experience with this drug. Thanks in advance! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Stephen
xanax is a very addictive drug try not to use it. The zoloft in the longer term will help you. Some CBT will help also.

Answer by Olivia Applebaum
Xanax can be very addicting, tolerance raises fast, so you find yourself taking double than what you were a couple weeks ago to feel the same effects – sometimes less. When you first start taking it, you will think to yourself “How can anyone get addicted to this?!” “It just makes me sleepy and feel like a zombie!”

Xanax is supposed to be taken SHORT TERM. It’s like a band-aid. Once you start taking it everyday for weeks or months, it will be VERY hard to come off of. Your anxiety will be way worse than before you started Xanax, it’s a fact. You will be so used to feeling care-free and having no worries or anxiety that as soon as it’s not in your system, you will be having panic attacks left and right.

This also leads me to another scary thing about Xanax. Xanax is part of the benzodiazepines family. Benzo’s are one of the only drugs that can cause death if the user quits benzo’s (xanax) cold turkey. You need to SLOWLY taper yourself off over weeks to avoid this. Stopping Xanax without weaning off will cause the user to go into seizures and in many cases eventually die.

Xanax (benzodiazepines) addiction is easily one of the worst addictions a person can have. Worse than heroin addiction, in my opinion.

But other than all that, Xanax, when used correctly is a wonderful drug. Just be careful because benzo addiction sneaks up on you.

TIP: If you feel a panic attack coming on, take your xanax and place directly under your tongue and let it dissolve. This route of administration works sooner and hits you harder than orally ingesting. Although, xanax is one of the fastest drugs to work.

WARNING: Xanax, is, by FAR the WORST tasting pill EVER. You may throw up, just a warning 🙂 Try it out, see what I mean. But it is worth it and if you do it right (lots of practice) you can not taste anything with sublingual use (under the tongue) and you don’t have to wait for the pill to start working while you freaking out with a panic attack.