
Why Don’t Opiate’s Have Any Non Physical Effect on Me?

Question by The Truth 34: Why don’t opiate’s have any non physical effect on me?
(I’ve only used for medical purposes only)
I’ve taken:

– Codeine

– Hydromorphone

– Methadone

– Morphine

– Oxycodone

– Percocet

– Vicodin

– Oxycontin


So i have never had any psychological affect or emotional effects or anything besides taking away pain and other stuff but i’ve always felt the normal as i am on them like i do when i’m not on them. when i get them prescribed for me like when i leave surgery and they say i’ll be taking them for 3 weeks i only need them usually for like around 4 days and my friends are always asking me for them but i say no and i tell them they don’t do anything for you except take away pain and stuff. but they never believe me and they say it messes you up a lot but it doesn’t even effect me. is this common or does it seem weird or something? i also don’t do any drugs so i wouldn’t be use to them at all or anyhting and i never have any addiction to them what so ever which shows by me easily pulling off of them. so what do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by giveobamaquarters
actually i was watching this thing on the history channel about that today. it said under the right dosage opiate’s are perfect for blocking a patients pain. i guess most people that use them for drugs use more than a regular dose. lots more than a regular dose

Answer by Cameron
Well, if you’re taking the medication as prescribed, you shouldn’t feel much besides what the drug was designed to do, in this case: relieve pain. It’s when you begin to abuse medications that you experience more of the mental effects like you describe. The other major part of it is that you stay on the medication for such a short period of time. For the majority of the “high” and feelings of well-being to take effect, the medication generally needs to cycle through your system which can take up to a week in some cases (such as with Methadone with has an extremely long half-life).

But I have to ask why you’ve been on so much pain medication for simply “medical purposes only”? Are you constantly undergoing surgery, or what? Hydromorphone (medication name: Dilaudid) is an extremely potent pain medication and is not normally prescribed for short-term use. Actually, aside from the Vicodin, Codeine (medication name: Tylenol #3) and Percocet, none of these should be prescribed in any situation except moderate to severe chronic pain. (Except, perhaps, for Methadone which is sometimes also prescribed to help with opiate withdrawal, such as for recovering Heroin addicts, etc.)

Anyway, I hope that helped a little,

Edit: By the way, just so you know, most of the medications you have listed here are specific medications that you refer to by their brand name. For example, you have listed there “OxyCodone” which is simply the name of a drug that many medications use. OxyContin and Percocet both use OxyCodone as their primary active ingredient. Codeine is another example of this. Codeine is not a medication, it’s a drug. It’s a drug that’s used IN medications where it’s combined with something else so you can take it orally. Anyway, just thought I’d clear that up for you. Thought you may want to know.