
Diazepam Withdrawal – Need Help With Symptoms?

Question by Rebecca Gaffney: Diazepam withdrawal – need help with symptoms?
I have been on Diazepam for 8 weeks now due to a spinal injury and i have been weaned off it for the last 2 weeks and today has been my first day without and i have had several side effects. Shaking, feeling cold when im warm, shivering, REALLY bad mood swings, crying a lot. I dont want to do on any more pills, so if anyone knows of any herbal remedies i can try, teas and herbal pills etc, i would be gratefull

Best answer:

Answer by rachel
valerian will help you sleep at night.

diazepam is a muscle rel;axant and it is also a sedative. it is a benzodiazepine, so it should not be used for more than 4 weeks. it can become addictive if taken for too long in large doses.

i won’t worry.

Answer by MeMeMe

Diazepam is a benzodiazepine, which is one of the most addictive classes of drugs there is. The withdrawals are extremely uncomfortable and can be life-threatening when stopped abruptly. It sounds like your doctor weened you off, which is good, but it’s not unusual to still experience the horrible side effects.

If you tell your doctor, maybe he could recommend something for you? I know you don’t want anymore pills, but it might help things.

As for symptoms, they are similar to heroin withdrawals. I’m so sorry you’re going through this… Here are some suggestions:

–Take showers and baths. If you are feeling light-headed, keep them short and/or supervised, and not too hot to prevent fainting.

–Use a heating blanket when you’re cold, and keep a fan nearby. Trying to keep a comfortable body temperature will help.

–Drink hot tea with ginger or peppermint to soothe your stomach and keep you warm and hydrated.

–Avoid all caffeine and alcohol! This is super important!

–If your stomach is feeling okay, make sure you’re eating healthy. Hot chicken or vegetable soup is good, as are mashed or softer foods.

–Sleep!!! Sleep as much as you want until you’re feeling better. It will not only help your body heal, but also you can sleep through as much of the negative side effects as possible.

–Drink water and stay hydrated. Always important.

–As for the mood swings… Just keep telling yourself “This is temporary” and “Feelings are not facts.” If you know your mood swings are caused by the meds and that nothing’s really wrong, it helps not to get too worked up.

I really hope you feel better soon! It sucks to go through this, but just hang in there and don’t hesitate to call your doc if something goes really wrong. After 8 weeks of benzo use, you should hopefully feel better in the next couple days, and totally back to normal in a week or two. God bless!!!