
Are Kolonapin and Ativan Alike? How Are They Diffrent?

Question by Brian Steele: Are kolonapin and ativan alike? how are they diffrent?

Best answer:

Answer by Batlow
That’s actually “Klonopin”, not ‘kolonapin”.

Klonopin is a brand name used in the USA for the drug clonazepam, manufactured by Roche. In most other countries it is sold as as Rivotril – I’m not sure why they use a different name in the US.

Ativan is the trade name for the drug lorazepam.

Both drugs are members of the benzodiazepine family. In general terms, they are prescribed for anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, and hypnotic effects.

All benzodiazepines are powerful and dangerous drugs. They can be very useful when used in moderation for appropriate medical conditions. Benzodiazepines are physically highly addictive – ie you don’t miss the “high”, your body experiences real physical pain when it can’t get more any more drug. Withdrawal from addiction can take weeks and is extremely unpleasant – it has been described as worse than coming off heroin.

If your doctor has prescribed one or the other, you can ask them why they chose that particular drug. They probably have a good reason, although many benzodiazepines react differently in different individuals, so there’s an element of try-it-and-see.

Never take either of these or any other benzodiazepine drug unless it is prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes they are mistakenly regarded merely as “happy pills” but they are very powerful and dangerous.

Hope it helps.