
How Can I Kick My Sugar Addiction?

Question by Alex: How can I kick my sugar addiction?
Im a little overweight. Ive been trying to lose weight. And everyones jus like “kick soft drinks and junk food” but its really not that easy. Sugar is a drug. How can I help kick my cravings/withdrawals?

Best answer:

Answer by Isabel
You’re right, it’s not easy. The best thing to do is go on a very high protein diet – only eating protein for a day or two, then add vegetables and stay on veggies and protein for about two weeks to start. You’ll go through a bit of withdrawal and cravings during that time so if you get hungry and crave, eat protein for snacks – nuts are a good choice. After about two weeks it will be easier but just know all it takes is a few bites of something sweet and it’s back. I’ve found that eating fruit instead of actual sweets tends to help. And if the craving gets bad, eat plain dark chocolate – it will quell the craving a bit but not kick start the addiction. It won’t happen automatically, you will have to make an effort but you can do it.

Answer by BEER
First step is to reduce alcohol consumption as it adds to the cravings for sugar. Try replacing sugar with sugar-substitute until you build some strength to stop. While doing this cut back slowly until you require no more. Replacing a physical exercise for computer and television will also aid your ability to stop the sugar addiction. Counseling.