
Heroin Addict Trying to “Cold Turkey”..what Can I Do to Help??

Question by Lisa H: Heroin addict trying to “cold turkey”..what can I do to help??
I picked up an homeless acquaintance literally “off the street” …says he’s serious about trying to kick; giving him his prescription meds, Clonapin, Seroquel and Trazadone; he’s disoriented when awake; trying to keep him resting & comfortable; last fix 6am today; ANY suggestions welcome!
(he’s done the inpatient thing several times with no success)
UPDATE: Friday June 23…..I feel that I have failed my friend, but three days and three nights dealing with a heroin addict have exhausted me, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually…..had to take him back downtown this morning as he has gotten progressively sicker…he refused to go back into a rehab facility, although I begged him to do so. However, my conscience is clear; I fed him and provided every material thing he needed; all I can do now is pray for him. A recovering alcoholic myself, I realized that I have put myself in danger of losing my sobriety, and I cannot risk that. THANKS to ALL of you for your answers, your prayers and support. Peace to all.

Best answer:

Answer by Christina H
Look him in a room with no sharp objects, or take him to a rehab center.

Answer by bkbarile
you are a good man, I am sure that if you look in the Yellow pages, or go to the cops, they can tell you where too go

there are a lot of programs out there