
How Difficult Is It Getting Involved in Working With Medical Marijuana?

Question by chanelimports: How difficult is it getting involved in working with medical marijuana?
I’m going to attend Oaksterdam next year in California and learn everything I need to learn about marijuana. After I finish school there I want to open up my own medical marijuana shop. Is this hard to do?

Best answer:

Answer by cate_tha_great92
Of course it will be hard to do. Theres gonna be so much legal shit on your ass. But id go for it anyways:)

If you need any testers, let me know!


Answer by Rhonda S
Unfortunately I live in a state where this is not a legal option YET.

We need people like you to stand up for the rights of a state that has made this a legal option.

I am a chronic pain patient and need to use this for true medical reasons but because of the state I live in, I can not get the grade of cannabis that someone in CA can via a dispensary.

I pray you follow through with this if this is your goal and that you true intentions is wanting to help people who do need this as a safe alternative to other prescription medications and/or for the right to use this as a medication.

I have heard that Obama called the Feds off of going into dispensaries and hopefully that is true. If the state has made it legal, I do not believe in the Federal Government going against state laws.

By using less than the grade needed where I now live, I do get 35% pain relief from the use of cannabis in very small doses and do not use it socially at all.

Please don’t let anything stop you if your intentions are good.
I’ve tried EVERY pain medication known to man. Most I am allergic to and the one that did work was so strong that I was on it for almost a decade and decided to wean myself and stop using what I considered a medication that had allowed me to do more in the past 3yrs but was affecting my health in a bad way.
I spent 8 of the 10yrs on the same dosage and never abused it but being that it’s 3 times more powerful than Morphine (which I’m allergic to), I decided to go for a more natural treatment and very hard withdrawals from stopping this medication.
I am still detoxing (29 days without it) but I feel better mentally and the pain is controlled better by using cannabis than the actual pain med.
I had NO idea that by stopping this medication that it would have been easier had I been using “street heroin” than this synthetic form to get off of.
Best Wishes

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