Walworth County District Attorney to Focus on Combating Heroin 'epidemic'
Walworth County district attorney to focus on combating heroin 'epidemic'
Defendants in OWI Court fulfill their sentence while detoxing. In return, they learn how to leave their destructive lifestyles behind and start fresh through bi-weekly meetings, random drug and alcohol testing and individual counseling, Behl said. The …
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Heroin Use Is Up In N.H. Has It Affected Where You Live?
Captain Mike Swartz of Portmouth police says they're running tests on heroin samples out of concern that there may be a tainted or unusually potent form of the drug moving around the city, but he says it will take time to determine exactly what happened.
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Drug defendant to serve jail time, then be kicked off probation
… the car in the McDonald's parking lot and Fritz inside the fast-food restaurant. After Fritz gave police his consent to search his vehicle, officers found an aerosol can used to prepare heroin for usage and in the defendant's pants pocket, they …
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