
How to Pass Hair Drug Test?

Question by Bruce: how to pass hair drug test?
How to beat a hair test for weed

Best answer:

Answer by Axl86
alright well someone i know just passed a hair test and they didn’t smoke weed but was a heroin addict for 2 years and just quit and went to rehab about a week before their test so it was def still in his hair. he passed the test by:

1) shaved their head and whole body except armpits to make the sample area they could take from isolated to one area easy to treat.

2)went to sally beauty supply and got 40 volume developer and the strongest powdered bleach they had, also bought a medium brown hair dye to turn it back to its original color and for the re-dying process/

3) bleached his armpit hair, 3 times in a course of 2 days. (burnt the hell outta his skin, so you just gotta man up. i could tell it was hurting him badly as he had red burns all over) then after you bleach it you redye it back to the natural color. he did this 2 times.

4) before bleachings he would make a paste made from water and baking soda and put that all over his hair and rinse out.

5) after the bleaching and redying process was done 3 times (can do more if you have time or can tolerate it, he only had 2 days so he had to rush it) use a detox shampoo and wash the hair 5-10 times or until your bottle is gone up until the day of the test and right before you go. this shampoo costs 40-60 bucks. the brand he used was Omni. this can be bought online or any detox shampoo at a local head shop may work fine

6) hope for the best. if they ask about chemical burns under your arms say that you just switched deodarant brands and it irritated your skin badly.

google the “jerry G method” on the cannibus forums for more detailed info of what i just outlined. oh and stop doing drugs. if my friend can quit a 2 year heroin habit you can stop smoking weed.

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