France's 'Invisible Disaster': How Heroin Devastated the Banlieues in the 1980s
France's 'invisible disaster': how heroin devastated the banlieues in the 1980s
He had fallen for heroin. That was shortly after the 1983 March for Equality and Against Racism (also called the Marche des Beurs), the 30th anniversary of which has just been celebrated. Nasser went into Paris to join the march with his mates from the …
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Deadly 'drugs' sold at city market stalls
Legal high substances that killed 68 people last year are being sold for a tenner from two city market stalls, the Citizen can reveal. The tiny packets, sold as 'chemical research powders' are as addictive as heroin and just as dangerous. This week the …
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Hundreds in Rhode Island Expected to Die from Overdose in 2014
"We saw something similar in 2005, we saw an outbreak in fentanyl based heroin, which killed thousands in Chicago, [Philadelphia]…they were able to trace it back to an underground lab," said Green. … The withdrawal to stop is horrendous. To see …
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