Report Shows Heroin Use Reaching Epidemic Proportions in NH – WMUR Manchester
Report shows heroin use reaching epidemic proportions in NH – WMUR Manchester
WMUR Manchester |
Report shows heroin use reaching epidemic proportions in NH
WMUR Manchester "It is clear from forensics data and recent spikes on overdoses and deaths that we are in the midst of an epidemic of heroin use, and law enforcement alone simply cannot solve this complex issue," said New Hampshire State Police Co. Robert Quinn. Report: Heroin Addiction Reaching 'Epidemic' Levels In New Hampshire Cheaper, more available than prescription drugs, heroin addiction now an … NH report highlights growing heroin problem |
Heroin Addiction – Google News
The heroin blues: A story about love, addiction and loss – Capital Times (blog)
The heroin blues: A story about love, addiction and loss
Capital Times (blog) Many of Nathan's friends and colleagues were alarmed to read Facebook updates about losing his girlfriend – like Nathan, a Madison-area native – to a heroin overdose and his own struggles with addiction earlier this winter. In early February, he posted … |
Heroin Addiction – Google News
Editorial: Western Massachusetts officials stand united to battle heroin epidemic –
Editorial: Western Massachusetts officials stand united to battle heroin epidemic A standing-room crowd of more than 350 people – including law enforcement personnel, court and probation officials, substance-abuse treatment providers and families whose members' lives have been touched by heroin addiction – attended the session … |