Missouri Meth Addiction and the Drug Personality
Meth addiction and Missouri drug rehab treatment admissions seem to be synonymous. In Missouri the statistics on meth addiction have steadily increased since the early nineties, seemed to have peaked in 2005, but still showing extremely high numbers for treatment admissions. The odd and demoralizing behavior is limitless, turning perfectly good people into despicable characters inflicted with addiction, and addictively abhorrent behavior like none other.
For decades there have been scores of people attempting to solve the mysteries behind drug and alcohol addiction. People cannot fathom how their sweet innocent young child is transformed into a lying, thieving con artist on a path of self destruction. Addicts living under bridges, stealing and selling their bodies to the pleasure of others demonic characters and the list go on.
The answers lie in the toxic effects of drugs that influence the psychological state of the individual which are directly tied to the addict’s sense of right and wrong, guilt, and lack of self respect that develops. Drugs influence the physiological workings of the brain by releasing pleasure chemicals known as neurotransmitters which create a feeling of euphoria. Once the drug wears off, the supply of pleasure chemicals is gone and depression and anxiety set in, often for days or weeks.
Drugs change the attitude of the person transforming them into someone who harbors hostilities and hatred that remains hidden. This establishes a link between the effects of the drugs and desires to commit transgressions having difficulty with crime, production and an inability to function well in society at all.
Obviously throughout Missouri the problem with meth addiction is rampant, but yet in other areas of the state there are significant problems with other drugs as well. St Louis drug rehabs have their hands full with heroin addiction. While the drug personality that developed is characteristically different, the end result is the same. The end result is an addict trying to support their drug habit and resorting to criminal and degrading activities.
Regardless the drug, in the beginning the abuser will attempt to withhold knowledge of their drug use from friends and family. They will be to suffer effects of their own dishonesty and guilt. This causes them to withdraw from normal activities and people while becoming harder to deal with. Personal integrity is diminished; relationships, jobs and money are lost taking a back seat in the quest for more drugs.
Due to the toxic effects of the drugs and the inability of the body to function normally, the addict cannot achieve the same euphoria felt at the onset so therefore has to consume even more the drug to reach the desired effect. This leads to overdose and when withdrawing delirium tremens.
It’s quite a site to see addicts enrolled in the drug rehabs in Springfield versus the facilities in St Louis due to the drugs used. Meth addicts primarily in Southwest Missouri while heroin and opiate addicts reside in and around St Louis. Often the stories of thieving, prostitution and dealing are the same but personalities quite different.
Regardless, admissions into Missouri Drug Rehab and treatment centers have been on upswing for nearly two decades. Long term drug rehabs have much higher chance of helping someone overcome addiction and reverse the drug personality borne out during the years of the addictive lifestyle.
Robert Otis is an addiction counselor experienced in the field of drug and alcohol addiction treatment and works to help educate people about the danger of substance abuse. He writes articles about addiction in Missouri drug rehabs and effective rehabilitation methods.
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