
Help! Fear of Addiction to Painkillers?

Question by Josh: Help! Fear of addiction to painkillers?
Three days ago I got all four wisdom teeth pulled out. I got prescribed codeine, which I know is heroin. The painkillers also make me constipated and I haven’t pooped since 3 days ago so I tried and stopped taking them. However, I always wake up around 4AM with a pounding pain in my left jaw. I’m scared that I will become addicted to it, since I’m already a smoker. How do I tell the difference between needing the pain killers and not? I don’t like this path

Best answer:

Answer by Guts
well its simple mind over matter. just don’t take them if you dont want to get addicted. its not like it will help the healing process it just eases the pain.

Answer by Roeshell
taking any opiates is way different than smoking,ha. anyway i was in a bad accident in 05′ and needed to take oxys and tabs,now im on liquid methadone, everyday i gotta go to clinic for does,it sucks. so dont prolong the usage of the opiate, u dont want to be addicted to them. when u start to need the pill thats when u’ll know ur addicted,if ur jaws the only thing that hurt ur fine but the first day u feel u need them, STOP taking them and deal with it,trust me the addiction wont last as long as f u proloned it,but i thnk u’ll be fine. u havent been taking them long,but u’d know if u were addicted!!so dont worry.

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