
How Much Does It Cost to Support Drug Addictions?

Question by popcorn: How much does it cost to support drug addictions?
I’m doing a research project about on average how much it costs per day to support drug addictions. The following are the ones I am collecting data on:

a.) heroin
b.) alcohol
c.) cocaine
d.) marijuana
e.) crystal meth
e.) Prescription Pills (i.e. Oxycontin, Vicodin)
f.) Other Pillls (i.e. Adderall, Xanax)

Remember, this is per day.

Please no rude and/or stupid answers. If you have nothing informative to say then please keep your comments to yourself.


Best answer:

Answer by Amy K
This is a tough one only because spending could vary. A habit can average anywhere from $ 2 a day (light marijuana smoker) to over $ 800 a day (hard heroin user). Many factors will be involved to come up with an accurate answer.

Answer by Kevin O”
Heroin depends on your addiction and tolerance anywhere from $ 10- 60 bucks a day.

Alcohol depend on your taste I’d say $ 12-15 bucks for beer drinkers and $ 15-25 dollars for people who like a stiff drink.

Cocaine, shit as much as you wanna spend and it will all be gone that day. Lets just say $ 140 a day if you do whole ball.

Marijuana, $ 20-60 a day (individual user), but then again sometimes the next morning you’re out 120 dollars, depends on if you smoke alone or smoke people up.

Crystal Meth, I’ve only seen in weed, coke, and ecstasy and none of my friends have used just crystal meth so I have no idea on its own. sorry

Oxycontin is roughly a $ 1 per mg and I’d say $ 65-100 a day
Vicodin are like 2 for $ 5 i see people chew 6-8 a day
Adderall is sometimes 2 for $ 5 but can be $ 8-10 each thats for the day.
Xanax goes the same but you need to take a few of the 2 for $ 5’s or one $ 10.

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