
How to Get Rid of My Food Addiction?

Question by Chicken Joe: How to get rid of my food addiction?
I’m not really addicted to food, but when i get a bowl of cereal i cant seem to stop refilling the bowl, until i get a huge stomach ache. i sometimes get 6 full bowls of cereal. I’m not overweight at all, but i hate this addiction can anyone help me get rid of my cereal addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Clay Miller
Personally, I have suffered from a full blown food addiction. I reccomend Amino Acid supplements. Your brain naturally craves foods because certain acids are low. Try a book called “The Diet Cure”. It has a chart and a quiz on what acids you would need. If you are skeptical, they are all to real. Amino acids are used to help users get off of heroin, and have the delightful sideaffect to take away sugary food cravings. Better yet? You will see a marked improvement within 24 hours!

Answer by Xiang
Whenever you feel like eating something but dont need it or are full, try to run around your block once go back then if you still feel like eating run till your tired, keep repeating it until you are more tired than hungry.