Is It Right That I Am Being Punished Twice?
Question by : is it right that i am being punished twice?
i got caught smoking at school and recived a 4 hour saturday detention, for this coming saturday, i had to get my mum to sign my saturday detention slip, i forged my mums signature because i didn”t want het to find out, my headmaster rang her to discuse my bad behaviour and my mum found out i had lied and forged her signature, now my mum has said i she will be picked up from saturday detention and then LOCKED IN my bedroom for the entire weekend, no tv no phone HOMEWORK ONLY i will bet set essays to wright on the dangers of smoking, and why i should not lie to my parents, this means i am getting punished twice it”s so not fair.
ps escape is not possible as my bedroom door will be locked with a key, and my bedroom is 2 floors up
Best answer:
Answer by lesly
I am not a parent, and i think that being punished twice makes sense since you did 2 things wrong.
1) smoked
2) lied and forged your mom’s signature
You’re a horrible child.
Answer by Rick
I think you are being punished to much. Cigarrettes are bad though. If you smoke weed it’s actually not as bad for you. It feel real good to lol.
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