Nigella Lawson Isn't the Only One to Have Taken Drugs
Nigella Lawson isn't the only one to have taken drugs
The reality is that people rarely tell the whole truth about drug use in public unless they are forced to, yet the UK charity DrugScope, in figures for 2011/12, found that an estimated one in three adults had taken an illicit drug in their lifetime (a …
Lady Gaga Says She's Addicted To Marijuana: Is It Possible?
While research has shown that the percentage of people who try marijuana and become addicted to it is small, it is possible to get hooked on the drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 9 percent of marijuana users become …
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What's So Bad About Casual Drug Use?
Blacks and whites of the respectable class use drugs at nearly the same rate, but imprisonment of blacks occurs at ten times the rate of white imprisonment. The drug laws provide the only effective arm of ethnic hygiene policy, the only remaining means …
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Deadly heroin overdoses double in 2012
Ohio's campaign to reduce abuse of prescription painkillers has been making inroads, but it is having an unintended consequence: more-plentiful and dirt-cheap heroin, sometimes as low as $ 10 a dose. People who no longer can get pain pills are switching …
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