Philip Seymour Hoffman's Death in Line With Heroin Use Trends
Philip Seymour Hoffman's death in line with heroin use trends
Heroin users do not simply 'grow out' of their drug addiction, experts say, with a massive increase in older users occurring in Australia and the US and more people dying of overdose in their 40s and 50s.
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Philip Seymour Hoffman's death highlights heroin addiction in US
Fans of film got a shock on Sunday when headlines announced Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead of an apparent overdose in his apartment in New York City.
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Heroin use is up, DEA says
Is Philip Seymour Hoffman's death of an apparent heroin overdose a tragic aberration, or does it speak to something larger?
Heroin Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results
Heroin availability, use are increasing nationwide, DEA says
Is Philip Seymour Hoffman's death of an apparent heroin overdose a tragic aberration, or does it speak to something larger?
Heroin Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results