
“Profoundly Offensive, and an Incredible Waste”: Why Are We Busting Drug Users?

“Profoundly offensive, and an incredible waste”: Why are we busting drug users?
Remarkably few African-Americans were speaking out for drug policy reform 20 years ago. Whereas now a growing percentage are basically identifying the war on drugs, in Michelle Alexander's words, as “The New Jim Crow.” So in both those senses, I think …
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Part two: Eureka, meet your the new chief
But, we're also seeing a heavy addiction problem here in the city, with heroin addiction — there's a lot of heroin, and there's also some methamphetamine addiction and so forth — that certainly needs to be dealt with. Now, again, I'm not sure police …
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Riverside Treatment Center Announces Adult, Adolescent Programs to Tackle
All of the above 2012 percentages of first illicit drug use were similar to the corresponding percentages in 2011. Cocaine, heroin, Oxycontin and benzodiazepines are just a few of the drugs that the treatment center helps people put in their past …
Read more on PR Web (press release)