Some Aspects of a Residential Treatment Program in North Carolina
It is said that when all methods of addiction treatment fail, then people in North Carolina use their residential treatment program. This may be quite true because the residential treatment program in North Carolina is mainly targeted at handling people with intense conditions of addiction. The program is a community therapy program where several people who are in severe cases of addiction are made to live in a particular sheltered environment and where they undergo various kinds of treatments and therapies that help pull them out of their addictions.
This is a brief glimpse into how a residential treatment program in North Carolina is conducted, what kind of people are suitable for this kind of treatment and what are the benefits of this program.
Basic Functioning of a Residential Treatment Program in North Carolina
The residential treatment program in North Carolina mainly consists of three steps. These are intervention, detoxification and aftercare. The intervention may not be necessary in all cases, because in some cases, the patients may be willing to undergo the treatment. But if they are into denial, it becomes necessary to convince them through various agencies. Residential treatment centers may use the agency of family and friends of the patients and form a program to counsel and educate the patients about getting into treatment. This is an important phase of the treatment, because if the patient is not convinced about the treatment itself, the chances are quite bleak that they will respond to it.
During the detoxification phase, the patient’s body is completely rid of the addictive substances that are present in it. This process totally depends on the kind of the addiction the person is in. For milder forms of addiction such as that of alcohol or even of marijuana for that matter, the patient will be able to come out of the detox in just about three to four days. However, if the addiction is severe, such as a heroin addiction or a methamphetamine addiction, the patient might take as long as a month to come out of all the withdrawal symptoms that the detox can bring in.
Detox is usually carried out in a completely controlled, completely medically supervised, inpatient treatment setting in North Carolina. The patient is made to abstain and then the aftereffects are medically mitigated. The program lasts as long as the patient shows withdrawal.
Aftercare immediately follows the detox. When the patient is in aftercare, the main intention is to train the patient on the factors that can bring on a relapse and how they can stay away from them. They are also trained various techniques and therapies that can help them answer the temptation that the substance might cause in them.
People suitable for a Residential Treatment Program in North Carolina
The residential treatment program is well known for the controlled medical guidance that it provides throughout the length of the program. This is what makes even the most hardened of drug addicts come out of their dependencies. The following kinds of patients will do quite well with a residential treatment program in North Carolina:-
1. Those who have been with their addiction for a very long period of time or those who have been using very high amounts of the addictive substance will have to go through a residential treatment program. The reason here is that these people will be completely under the thumb of the addiction and methods such as the outpatient treatment won’t work for them.
2. Those who have some or the other kind of health complications along with their addiction will also do well only with a residential treatment program. The health complication will bring forth several issues during their addiction treatment making normal recovery difficult for them. They might require what is known as a dual diagnosis program.
3. Similarly, those who have a mental issue will also find complications in their addiction treatment program. They will need constant control and vigilance, something that the residential treatment program can provide. Once again, these patients will be best suited for a dual diagnosis.
4. The law makes it mandatory for everyone that has been caught guilty of a criminal offense under alcohol and drug addiction to complete a residential treatment program in North Carolina.
Benefits of the Residential Treatment Program in North Carolina
The most obvious benefit is that this is the only kind of program that handles intense addiction treatment in a controlled environment. People who have not found respite through other forms of treatment will surely find their benefits here.
You can find several such informative and interesting articles like this one on residential treatment program in North Carolina by visiting:
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