Trying to Help My Angry Alcoholic Drug Abusing Sister. PLEASE HELP.?
Question by : trying to help my angry alcoholic drug abusing sister. PLEASE HELP.?
my 18 year old sister is a severe alcoholic. i know she uses drugs, but i am not sure of what kind and how often. she is living with her boyfriend who has been to many different rehabs across the country and either gets kicked out or just leaves the program. he was addicted to intravenous heroin and alcohol. and is exceedingly wealthy and pays for all the drugs and alcohol, he is an ultimate enabler. he tells her that i am a liar and that i am trying to control her life by trying to help her, and that i am really not trying to help her at all. they hang out with two guys that the boyfriend met in rehab who have relapsed. my sister just got out of jail for putting a ciggarette out on her boyfriends neck and for punching him repeatedly in the face resulting in a black eye. someone that was in the house called the cops on them, and the boyfriend wouldnt press charges. i tried to pick her up from the jail and the boyfriend lied to me about what time she was getting out so i couldnt. i was going to try to have an “informal intervention” with her. i am at a loss. she was completely un phased by this experience, and is always un phased by the catastrophes that come from her addiction. i just recently found out that she was date raped by an acquaintance who house she was couch surfing at awhile ago, and my mother says that she fears that, that wasnt the first time she was date raped. she is showing signs of jaundice and is sick alot of the time. she can not control herself. this time it was a cigarette but maybe next time it will be a knife, and i am terrified and feel nauseous and overwhelmed from trying to help her. she has been stealing money from me and i just dont know what to do! i have been searching online for hours trying to think of something.
she is also the most avoident person there is. please any advice will greatly help!
Best answer:
Answer by Andrea
Speaking as a recovering alcoholic myself, my answer is not one your going to like but its a completely honest answer. You are completely powerless over her disease as well as she is. I highly highly highly highly recommend al anon and asap. There are many ppl with ur same situation. U will find ALL ur answers there. When she is ready and as hopeless as i had become she will come around. I am also on the receiving end of that as i am coming up on 3 yrs sober and my mom is still in the midst of her disease and i am as powerless as u. And i have the answers and know there is a way out. She isn’t ready and i can’t do anything at all. Im even going to school for chemical dependency and still am powerless and it sucks. Stay positive and prayer helps. I will keep her in my prayers. I was totally gone by 18 myself and by 23 finally got sober and have remained so until today. Alcohol and drugs were my master. But please for u check out alanon website and get to a mtg ASAP….. best wishes u guys are in my Prayers.
Answer by Alex
Damn you have it real tough.
smoking, drug and alcohol abuse. There isn’t going to be any volunteering in quiting.
Any government shit isn’t likely going to work. She’ll stop going to those rehab meetings within a week or get kicked out.
Great way, lock her in a room or something, and make sure every window is steel barred.Check if there isn’t any secret stashes of drugs or something. She’ll scream, smash things, or refuse to take her food. But eventually she’ll stop. And maybe someday thank you.
or better, take her as far away from civilization as possible, on some family “camping trip” or something leave here there with some food, and she’ll wean off the drugs soon. Make sure any trek back to civilization takes at least a month walking. If your worried, bring some relatives and parents along to stay with her. Always have more than one person cause she may get violent, No she WILL get violent.
This may seem extreme, but life’s tough
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