Weed, Over Masturbation, Depression, Psychosis?
Question by emptyheaded121: Weed, Over masturbation, Depression, Psychosis?
Lately I have discovered a certain change in my “personality”. I am 20 years old and have been over-masturbating for around 5 years. Lets say 2-3 times a day. I would consider this an addiction to say the least. Now, I’ve done extensive research that this activity, when overdone to the extreme, can have adverse side effects. Basically, it is similar to a heroin addiction where your brain gets addictied to opioids. In this case I am talking about endorphins which are endogenous opioids created by the brain. So I realized, based on the symptoms of over-masturbation, that this is me. On top of this, about 3-4 months ago in the summer, I was smoking relatively large amounts of weed. Ive smoked weed before but I really hit it hard in the summer. I ingested a lot and I smoked a lot. Things were as good as ever and I was having a blast. I was also an extremely happy individual before that period. Somewhere around that time and until now I have developped the following symptoms:
-Social Phobia(this seems like it has been going on for a long time)
-Extreme lack of concentration
-Memory loss
-Loss of interest in just about everything
-I feel like I have nothing to say
-I dont really get excited about anything
-Loss of motivation
-Feel less creative, little ideas
So I read further about imbalances in neurotransmitters and how they affect your general mental well being (i.e. happiness, excitation) I read that if I have an imbalance than these symptoms can definately be a result of that. So the over-masturbation seems to point to that. Not too long ago I read about how marijuanna use can trigger psychosis (schizophrenia) and I am absolutely terrified that this may have happened to me. I am not having any delusions or hallucinations but some of the above symptoms point to that as well. Given all this information, could somebody please try to explain what is happening to me and why have I been feeling like this for the past 3 months. I have only smoked weed about 4 times since that period. Until about 3 days ago, I have maintained that rather embarassing frequency of masturbation but I have commited myself to quitting in the hope that it will help my brain get back to normal. I just want to be the way I felt before this past summer: active, happy, excitable, worry free. Is this damage permanent and will I feel like a sad empty headed social phobic forever? Can my brain restore itself? Am I developping psychosis? What should I do? Sorry about the long post but this has been toruring me and I appreciate anybody’s serious response. Thank you for reading.
Best answer:
Answer by Pareidolia
I hate to tell you, but all those articles about the “effects of excessive masturbation” are fabricated for the purpose of selling Indian roots to an unsuspecting public. There is a correlation between high marijuana consumption and schizophrenia, but regardless it is still a very low rate of schizophrenia and your symptoms do not reflect that condition.
One thing ironic is that depression often involves a severe reduction in sexual desire. Social phobia is not a result of chemical imbalance. Anxiety can be an overlying cause of social phobia, lack of concentration, apparent memory dysfunction, and it can also lead to properties of depression by way of insomnia etc.
The symptoms you mention could be caused by a deficiency in serotonin. Serotonin is not an opioid, nor is dopamine (the “pleasure transmitter”). This is a fairly common pathological imbalance and it tends to appear around adolescent development. Even where it is not pathological people of your age range often develop symptoms and anxiety and depression due to societal and hormonal issues.
Answer by Jimbob
Boy you worry too much. Stop smokin the weed (seems like you are doing pretty good lately). It sounds like you have depression. Probably cause you worry too much. As for the “over masturbation” don’t worry about it. Different people have different sex drives and as a youngster I always had my pud in my hand. It doesn’t hurt anything, It is natural, and enjoyable but don’t feel bad about doing it (just don’t get caught). If the symptoms of depression don’t get better you should speak to your doctor. Lighten up and enjoy life.