What Will My Doctor Do if I Tell Him I Am Addicted to Opiates and Want to Quit?
Question by : What will my doctor do if I tell him I am addicted to opiates and want to quit?
I have been doing opiates on and off for the past year, Went clean for two months and started doing it again 2 weeks ago. I want to be off of them. I have been doing atleast a 30 millegram percocet a day for 2 weeks and the past 3 days I have done a total of .2 of Heroin (Snorted) I don’t want to do it anymore.. But I am too worried about withdrawals can my doctor help me?
Best answer:
Answer by tamrn02
Dr can help you wean off instead of doing it cold turkey.
Answer by EricLover
Yes! Your doctor can help you; however, you may see better results if you contact a physician that specializes in addiction or pain management. I would also recommend considering an outpatient rehab treatment center or starting to talk to an addiction therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to help you get through withdrawals and building a support system.
The first and hardest step of recovery is admitting there is a problem, but if you really want to change then you’re on the right path 🙂 I wish you luck and strength!