Why Is Alcoholism Considered a Disease/illness?
Question by : Why is alcoholism considered a disease/illness?
…yet other forms of addiction aren’t?I mean what is the difference between alcohol addiction and say heroin addiction? Why is one a disease and the other not? I read somewhere that it is classified as a disease because there are several distinct stages of alcoholism or something like that!Surely that applies to other addictions as well no? I mean after all in most cases addiction is something you inflict on your self, disease is something that catches you off guard and is not really down to your own behaviour! I might be wrong though!Anyone got an idea?
Best answer:
Answer by Rabby
Most addictions except cigarette addiction is considered a disease because it is an extreme mental problem that often times kills people.
Answer by izzy
I consider every addiction to be a disease.
“An estimated two million people in the UK have an addiction to some form of substance or activity. Addiction is a complex illness with physical and psychological symptoms, affecting not only the patient, but their family, friends and social environment too.”