Authorities: Heroin Making Comeback in Central Florida – Orlando Sentinel
Authorities: Heroin making comeback in Central Florida – Orlando Sentinel
Authorities: Heroin making comeback in Central Florida
Orlando Sentinel "That is a significant change from a few years ago [when] about 70 percent coming into detox were for prescription drugs. … Now, 60 to 65 percent are for heroin." The center has 40 beds in its detox area where addicts spend five to seven days. During … |
Getting Help for Heroin Abuse – abc40
Getting Help for Heroin Abuse
abc40 Detox. We've all heard of it, but it's just the beginning of the journey for someone recovering from heroin abuse. The process actually begins with a medical evaluation, from there, it varies. Erin Carroll is a Mental Health Counselor at Holyoke … |
Comes Now A Visitor: Mr. Heroin, and the Angel of Death – The Northfield News
Comes Now A Visitor: Mr. Heroin, and the Angel of Death
The Northfield News Why the return of Mr. Heroin? Apparently lots of people – way too many people, have been getting doctors to prescribe the pain killer Oxycontin. Some have chronic pain, and feel this strong pain killer is what they need to manage their pain. Some take … |