
Coroner: Bucks Inmate Died of Heart Failure During Heroin Withdraw – the Intelligencer

Coroner: Bucks inmate died of heart failure during heroin withdraw – The Intelligencer

Coroner: Bucks inmate died of heart failure during heroin withdraw
The Intelligencer
A 49-year-old Bensalem woman found dead inside her Bucks County prison cell suffered sudden cardiac death during heroin detoxification, according to the Bucks County coroner. Marlene Yarnall was found dead in her cell in the “F” module of the prison …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

In heroin debate, a detour from sentencing reform – The Advocate

In heroin debate, a detour from sentencing reform
The Advocate
Lopinto acknowledged that the proposed prison terms are “arbitrary,” but he said a mandatory minimum sentence for heroin possession will ensure heroin users receive sufficient “time for a detox.” He also disputed the assertion that heroin abusers are …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

A slow recovery after heroin overdose – Capecodonline

A slow recovery after heroin overdose
Palazzi began using heroin when he was 21. By the time he was 25, he had been to 10 to 15 detoxification hospitals. His stepfather is a middle school teacher, and his mother works for a home and auto insurance company. Their health insurance paid only

Heroin Detox – Google News

Cases of newborns with addictions soaring – Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Cases of newborns with addictions soaring
Boston Globe
Some 1,300 babies in Massachusetts — about three to four each day — were born in 2012 with what is called “neonatal abstinence syndrome,” suffering withdrawal pains as a result of exposure to illegal opiates such as heroin or prescription drugs such

Heroin Detox – Google News