
Is It Possible to Cold Turkey Heroin?

Question by Andrew: Is it possible to cold turkey heroin?
Does anyone know of anyone who just got up and decided one day to quit and succeeded.

Best answer:

Answer by Gia*ForeverandEverEtc
My dad was an addict longer than he hasn’t been.

He did everything… heroin, meth, coke, you name it. He quit when he and my mom had their first child. And he has been clean for 23 years.

If you just stop doing it though, you’ll get really sick, because that’s now your normal. So when people do quit, they have to slowly take less, and less.

But it’s possible with support, and if you really want to 🙂

Answer by Courtney
i have never done heroin and i know cigarettes are nothing like heroin but this is just an example, people say quitting smoking is so hard to do and all that but i smoked for a year and quit cold turkey. i don’t get cravings or anything. i just cant seem to take a liking to smoking. people are different in the way our bodies handle things. like i cant drink beer at all and i also am very light weight i don’t have to drink very much to start throwing up but then most of my friends can put as much alcohol away as they want and not even throw up once.