Many Options for Heroin Detox
Heroin addiction is one of the hardest addictions overcome. No one can do it just by going “cold turkey”, but don’t worry there are many heroin detox options out there. One of the medications offered to help you is called Methadone. Methadone is an opiate just like heroine. The medicine targets on the same centers of the brain that heroin does, reducing the craving for heroin in a major way so it will make your heroin detox bearable. Gradually the medicine will diminish the craving for heroin if it is used properly. I would not recommend staying on this medication too long because it is addicting and is just as hard to kick as heroin. Methadone also blocks the high that heroin produces, therefore, taking away the feeling and need to take heroin. I have tried this method myself for heroin detox and it will work but do not use other drugs while on it just because you can’t use heroin any more. Using other drugs while on methadone is dangerous to say the least and it may get you kicked off the program if you do it enough.
Another heroin detox method being used is an anesthesia-assisted opiate withdrawal procedure. This procedure is very risky and has been known to lead to death. The goal of this program is to put the person to sleep through the withdrawal process.
Clonidine is another drug administered to help with opiate detox. It is administered in both a patch and a pill. The patch is worn over a seven-day period, during which time it constantly administers the drug. Patch wearers should also take Clonidine orally for the first two days in order for the medicine in the patch to effectively start administering itself into the body.
There are also many opiate addiction detox facility that you could go to. Many of these places are listed in your local phone book. Most people worry about being judged when they walk into a detox facility, but if you think about it most of the people in there, are there for the same reason and are going through the same pain you are. Just remember there is always help out there and you are not alone in your struggle. It would be my suggestion that if you have an opiate problem of any kind that you seek help as soon as possible there are addicts dying every day from overdose don’t let it be you.
I am in recovery myself and I like to write addiction. It is my goal to give others information on how they can stop using, overcome drug addiction and find a new way to live without drugs.
Heroin Detox: Heroin Detox Tampa
As seen on A&E’s Intervention… A dignified and compassionate Drug Detox center in Tampa. Alcohol Detox, Xanax Detox, Heroin Detox, Opiate Detox, Methadone and Suboxone Detox or any other habit forming drug or medication. Detox with dignity at the detox specialist, specializing in the most advanced drug detox in the United States with minimal discomfort. Summer House has been in business longer than any other private detox center in florida, our primary focus is on getting you safely and comfortably through what is normaly a difficult time at other detox facilities. Call anytime 24 hours a day 888-DETOX-123
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