
Archive for the ‘Heroin Detox’ Category

Help Wanted: Personal Tales Show Few Detox Options for Local Heroin Addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts
Bobbie Jo Rains, 28, left, and roommate Kayla Pauly, 24, at Cross Road Christian Recovery Center for Women. Rains is putting her life back together after heroin addiction and time in prison for crimes she committed. / Robert Sullivan/Palladium-Item …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Press of Atlantic City
Because heroin detox is not considered a life-threatening health issue (tell that to an addict or his family), many insurers refuse to pay for full treatment. Pennsylvania requires health insurers to provide coverage for treatment services considered

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Heroin Detox – Google News

At 21, recovering heroin addict gets a new start – Canton Repository

Ted Cruz and Obamacare Critics Clearly Don't Get It | Chris Arnade

Ted Cruz and Obamacare critics clearly don't get it | Chris Arnade
Opponents of reform don't see how lucky they are to have easy access to healthcare. For homeless addicts, it's a different reality I arrived at 9am as planned, with $ 10 in my pocket and a sheet of phone numbers. Sonya was missing, her corner space now just a bed of cardboard, a bundle of dirty blankets, broken needles, and a Bible. Her kitten was gone, presumably given to a friend to watch, or …
Heroin Detox – Yahoo News Search Results

NJ Detox Center – -There are no tests which will definitively diagnose alcoholism, which is why a person should receive a comprehensive mental a…

County Officials Praise Heroin Addiction Program

County officials praise heroin addiction program
Through this initiative, eligible participants complete their opiate withdrawal while detained in jail, receiving Vivitrol prior to release. The individuals then proceed with traditional programming through the Winnebago County Drug Court, including …
Read more on The Rock River Times

Help Wanted: Personal Tales Show Few Detox Options for Local Heroin Addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts
Bobbie Jo Rains, 28, left, and roommate Kayla Pauly, 24, at Cross Road Christian Recovery Center for Women. Rains is putting her life back together after heroin addiction and time in prison for crimes she committed. / Robert Sullivan/Palladium-Item …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Press of Atlantic City
Because heroin detox is not considered a life-threatening health issue (tell that to an addict or his family), many insurers refuse to pay for full treatment. Pennsylvania requires health insurers to provide coverage for treatment services considered

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Heroin Detox – Google News

Help Wanted: Personal Tales Show Few Detox Options for Local Heroin Addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts
Bobbie Jo Rains, 28, left, and roommate Kayla Pauly, 24, at Cross Road Christian Recovery Center for Women. Rains is putting her life back together after heroin addiction and time in prison for crimes she committed. / Robert Sullivan/Palladium-Item …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Press of Atlantic City
Because heroin detox is not considered a life-threatening health issue (tell that to an addict or his family), many insurers refuse to pay for full treatment. Pennsylvania requires health insurers to provide coverage for treatment services considered

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Heroin Detox – Google News

Help Wanted: Personal Tales Show Few Detox Options for Local Heroin Addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts – Palladium-Item

Help wanted: Personal tales show few detox options for local heroin addicts
Bobbie Jo Rains, 28, left, and roommate Kayla Pauly, 24, at Cross Road Christian Recovery Center for Women. Rains is putting her life back together after heroin addiction and time in prison for crimes she committed. / Robert Sullivan/Palladium-Item …

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Heroin Detox – Google News

‘He’s gone forever’: A Somerville family looks back on years of addiction – Wicked Local Malden

'He's gone forever': A Somerville family looks back on years of addiction
Wicked Local Malden
At the hospital, the doctor confirmed it: Alex had overdosed on heroin at a restaurant in Davis Square. He was …. But sometimes he didn't, and like the detox facilities, overcrowded homeless shelters would say to call back later. "There just aren't

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