
All About Cocaine

Knowing all about cocaine ways that it is being administered is very important for those that want to fight back against the problem of its abuse.  There are several ways in which it can be administered to the body and can damage the body.

The first method is the method in which the users will rub the powder along the gum line or rub it on the filter of the cigarette. This numbs the gums and the teeth of the person and provides momentary numbness.  Very small quantities are ingested in this way. While others will just roll up the cocaine powder in a piece of paper and simply swallow it like a pill, which is known as a snow bomb.

Coca leaves which are mixed along with lime are chewed and the juice is then ingested by the user. This is then absorbed in the bloodstream from the stomach. When the cocaine is orally administered, it will usually take about 30 minutes to reach the bloodstream. In this way about 60% of the cocaine can be absorbed by the body, however in extremely controlled scenarios.

When you want to know all about cocaine ingestion, it’s important to talk about one of the most popular methods. One of the most popular ways that the drug is taken is through snorting, sniffing or even blowing.  This is extremely common in the western world and in the US as compared to other parts of the world.  Before it can be inhaled, it needs to be divided in really small particles and then inhaled using banknotes, long fingernails or even specialized spoons. These are known as tooters.

During the process of snorting, the mucous membranes of the sinuses are coated with the powder and the absorption is as high as 40 – 60%. It usually takes about 15 minutes for the drug to start affecting the person. Nosebleeds and irritation in the nose are common after snorting due to the adulterants that are present in the cocaine and not by the cocaine itself.

Another way the drug can be administered is through injections. As much as 120 milligrams of cocaine can be injected by a person at a point of time. More than this is known as over dosing that can even be fatal for the cocaine drug abuser. After injecting the cocaine, the user will usually get a ringing sensation in their ears and feel that the voices that they are hearing are distorted. In street language this is known as a “bell ringer”.

Injecting is the fastest way by which the cocaine is absorbed in the body. Studies have shown that it takes about 3.1 minutes for the effects of the drug to be seen. Apart from other complications arising out of cocaine addiction, the user can also contract diseases such as AIDS, HIV and other blood diseases if the syringe and needle are infected.

Users that want to know all about cocaine should also understand that there are many variants and combinations such as “speedball”, which is a combination of cocaine and heroin injected by the users. The effects of both the drugs can even mask the effects of overdoing and lead to death of the person.

Greg has been a recovering addict for the passed 5 years. He has been clean for 5 years now and enjoys getting the information out there on drug use and drug abuse. If you would like more information you can get to his sites and get more information on Cocaine Addiction and Heroin Addiction as these are two of his more prevelant topics.

Heroin Withdrawal: Next Door But Invisible- The World of Homelessness and Drug Addiction

*I don’t own this video. I’m uploading it in order to add captions to it since (and every other third party pulling from YouTube) is down .* Original here: “Penn medical anthropologist Philippe Bourgois and UC grad student Jeff Schonberg study the lives of homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco. SAS Frontiers, September 2009 ”

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