
Bolivia Protests for Right to Grow Coca – GlobalPost (Blog)

Heroin Withdrawal: Bolivia protests for right to grow coca – GlobalPost (blog)

GlobalPost (blog)

Bolivia protests for right to grow coca
GlobalPost (blog)
withdraw from the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The international treaty prohibits the cultivation and export of certain drugs. It classified the coca leaf as a dangerous narcotic, putting it in the same league as cocaine and heroin.

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Middlebury eyed for methadone clinic – Addison County Independent

Middlebury eyed for methadone clinic
Addison County Independent
It is used as pain reliever, but also as part of a treatment plan to reduce withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs. There are currently five methadone clinics in Vermont serving a combined total of around 500 patients

Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: COMMENT: The consequences of the US withdrawal —Musa Khan Jalalzai – Pakistan Daily Times

COMMENT: The consequences of the US withdrawal —Musa Khan Jalalzai
Pakistan Daily Times
In some provinces of the country, weapons are being bartered for hostages and heroin. Many Afghans ask who these arms smugglers are and where they operate from. The answer is clear: during the Soviet intervention, the west and Pakistan utilised the

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Teen abuse of pills rises
Abuse of prescription drugs among teens is more socially acceptable and less detectable than alcohol use, experts say, but can lead to dependence and even death.
Read more on Worcester Telegram & Gazette

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