
Heroin Users Seeking Treatment May Hit Insurance Barriers – Boston Globe

Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers – Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers
Boston Globe
The doctors shook their heads: Heroin withdrawal is not life-threatening, they said, and we can't admit you. They gave him an IV flush, and sent him home. Marchese, then 26, and his sister called multiple inpatient clinics only to be told: We have no beds.

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Deadly addiction: Doctors say heroin treatment is available –

Deadly addiction: Doctors say heroin treatment is available
"Heroin is cheaper and it stops the painful withdrawal symptoms (from prescription opiates)," said Parekh. "But I try to tell them, whatever pain you had when you started, the pain of heroin is much worse." Despite the long and well-known history of

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Waiting lists for addiction treatment grow, as region sees increase in heroin use – Elmira Star-Gazette

Waiting lists for addiction treatment grow, as region sees increase in heroin use
Elmira Star-Gazette
The 29-year-old Ithaca man, whose name is being withheld because of the stigma attached to addiction, injected heroin off and on for about six months until not using the drug meant withdrawal symptoms. For Robert, the hook soon wasn't the high. Rather …

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Detox Safely from Heroin Florida – How to Detox Safely from Heroin in Florida. Detox in dignity at the best Drug and Alcohol Detox Specialist, specializin…