
Heroin Withdrawal: OxyContin, a Deadly Menace

In the past, OxyContin has been criticized as being the prescription drug of choice for abusers, who crush the pill and snort it, bypassing its time-release mechanism. Doing so sometimes has the unpleasant side effect of death. Some of the street names for OxyContin include Oxy, O.C., Killer and hillbilly heroin.

OxyContin is a semi synthetic opioid analgesic prescribed for chronic or long-lasting pain. |It is a analgesic prescribed for chronic or long-lasting pain. } Oxycondone, being the active ingredient which is also found in drugs like Percodan and Tylox. About 10 and 160 milligrams of oxycodone is obtained in a timed-release tablet, compared to five milligrams in Tylox.

OxyContin: Abuse and Addictions
OxyContin (oxycodone) is one of the most widely abused prescription medications Used in treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain in patients with trauma, low back disorders, cancer, and following surgery, it is basically a pain killer. A strong morphine-like high, is obtained by snorting the crushed drug .
To be honest, it really is difficult for some people to grasp the fact that they need to be in an OxyContin addiction treatment center. Most people are unable to accept the fact they’re addicted to the drug. If you cannot accept that you have an addiction, you cannot understand that you need to be in an OxyContin addiction treatment center. This is the simple truth about any addiction that cannot be changed. The sooner you accept your OxyContin addiction, the sooner you can be enrolled in an OxyContin addiction treatment center, and the sooner you can be free of your OxyContin addiction.

Addiction gives way to abuse as OxyContin addicts gain access to the drug by means of fraudulent prescriptions, over-prescribing by some physicians, doctor shopping, pharmacy theft, drug dealers, and smuggling into the United States.

Under prescribed dosage, OxyContin is an effective pain reliever, but when crushed and snorted or injected, the drug produces a quick and powerful “high” that some abusers compare to the feeling they get when doing heroin.

It is an opioid which is a central nervous system depressant an overdose can cause respiratory failure and death. Slow breathing (respiratory depression), Seizures, Dizziness, Weakness, Loss of consciousness, Coma, Confusion, Tiredness, Cold and clammy skin, Small pupils, Reduced vision, Nausea, Vomiting and Clouding of mental functions are the major symptoms of this deadly drug.

Addictive nature of OxyContin

Very few people who take OxyContin as prescribed ever become addicted to the drug. Abusers of the drug, who take higher than prescribed dosage, can develop a tolerance for OxyContin which can cause them to take ever-increasing larger amounts to achieve the same effect. These people can get addicted easily.

OxyContin Withdrawal

People taking prescription OxyContin are warned to gradually reduce the dosage rather than stopping suddenly. Hot/cold sweats, diarrhea, insomnia, depression, nausea and vomiting are some of the Withdrawal symptoms. OxyContin withdrawal symptoms can begin as soon as six hours after the last dose and can last up to one week. People who have gone through OxyContin withdrawal compare the process to the intensity of heroin withdrawal .

Read more at Oxycontin Abuse.

Heroin Withdrawal: JC’s heroin health project

a little project that i did for health. enjoy bruh!

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