Heroin Withdrawal: Paxil CR…How Do I Go Off of It?
Question by Kristina: Paxil CR…How do I go off of it?
I have been on Paxil CR for about a year. I recently missed a dose, it was the worst feeling that you could imagine. I felt like a drug addict. I couldn’t stop throwing up, I was dizzy, sweating, shivering. HORRIBLE! After this happened I realized I can’t live like this, completely dependent on Paxil. I can’t be scared to miss a dose. I want to be off of it. My doctor isn’t exactly the best doctor in the world and don’t want to ask for her help, she is quite strange! haha. So I would like to know how I should take myself off of it? Help! Please!
Best answer:
Answer by Simon
Paroxetine can be a bitch to come off. You didn’t say how much your on, but I was on 40mg for over a year and had to reduce the dosage very slowly. Switch to immediate release then knock a few mg off over 4-5 days until you get down to 10mg, then it should be a lot easier.
You will have to cut the tablets into half and quarters this is why you need to switch to IR.
It just takes time and patience and will power as with any drug.
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Heroin Withdrawal: How to Stop Opiate Withdrawals with Over the Counter Medications – Part 3
How to Stop Opiate Withdrawals with Over the Counter Medications – Part 3 (Stop Withdrawals caused by Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Methadone, Dilaudid, Morphine, Ultram, Heroin, etc.) My voice is hard to understand, I talk fast, and I switch topics often. – My apologies Here is the link to Me taking 100 pills – The first dosage of 300 total: www.youtube.com (To make the point that I am still alive after taking this large of a dose.) Here is the link to Part 1: www.youtube.com Here is the link to Part 2: www.youtube.com Some individuals may need to watch all three videos to understand everything, completely.
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