
Heroin Withdrawal: Seaford Mother Took Son to Buy Heroin – the Next Day He Was Dead – the Argus

Heroin Withdrawal: Seaford mother took son to buy heroin – the next day he was dead – The Argus

Seaford mother took son to buy heroin – the next day he was dead
The Argus
On December 23, Mrs Flint drove her son to the Level, in Brighton, to help him find drugs as he suffered crippling withdrawal symptoms. He had given up heroin but had been refused methadone amid fears his body would be unable to handle it.

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Suburban battlefield: We arel losing the war on drugs –

Suburban battlefield: We arel losing the war on drugs
Opiates, which include heroin, are still the biggest killer, but Methadone is not far behind. Methadone is a synthetic narcotic used in the treatment of narcotic withdrawal and dependence and there are many treatment centers offering Methadone programs

Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Organizer Javier Sicilia of Caravans for Peace – The Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge

Organizer Javier Sicilia of Caravans for Peace
The Cutting Edge
For nearly a century, Mexican-produced smack has cultivated a heroin culture in New Mexico's largest city. Typically, the problem is swept under the rug by polite society but a recent surge in addictions and overdose deaths of Albuquerque teens

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Mogwai – Batcat

Goes on screen in school monday. 😀 An IB art video piece on heroin addiction. taking elements inspired by BUTOH. THIS IS NOT A BUTOH PERFORMANCE. Song: Batcat, by Mogwai. 4 stages: 1 Addiction 2 Withdrawal and Cleansing 3 Transformation 4 Regression back into addiction Influences include, ohno, hijikata, imre thorman, dai rakuda kan, akira kasai, and the ever magnificent mogwai.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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