
Is He on Crank or Coke or What?

Question by Mary Posa: Is he on crank or coke or what?
My boyfriend gets the “flu” like every week. Every few days he is puking and gets a fever and cold sweats. But then he is fine like the next day. He claims he has the flu but who gets the flu every week and gets over it so quick? I’m thinking these symptoms are from coming off of or using some type of meth. or crank or speed. He spends a lot of money and has nothing to show for it….so what are you thoughts on these symptoms?
To: Audi 11…what makes you say it’s not crank?
Also—if someone had puking and fevers and all that all the time wouldn’t they be concerned and want to go to the doctor and find out what’s wrong?? He doesn’t.

Best answer:

Answer by Sugar
You can bet he has a habit.

Answer by Ruxandra V
on all of them. he’s a liar and a cheat, just like all men!