Archive for the ‘Heroin Withdrawal’ Category
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment – Sci-Tech Today
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment – Sci-Tech Today
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment
Sci-Tech Today Are heroin addicts getting the treatment they need to successfully beat their habits?Advocates say they are not, partly because the insurance industry has not come to grips with the dangers of heroin withdrawal and its aftermath. Heroin withdrawal does … |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers – Boston Globe
Boston Globe |
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers
Boston Globe Advocates say they are not, partly because the insurance industry has not come to grips with the dangers of heroin withdrawal and its aftermath. It is true that, unlike withdrawal from dependencies on alcohol or benzodiazepines like Xanax, heroin … |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Coroner: Bucks inmate died of heart failure during heroin withdrawal – Bucks County Courier Times
Ohio to Require Reporting of Drug-Addicted Babies
Ohio to require reporting of drug-addicted babies
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Hospital maternity units and newborn care nurseries would have to report the number of infants born addicted to drugs under a bill headed to Ohio's governor. The state Senate unanimously passed the … Many of those deaths are from …
Treatment targets pregnant women
After an up-and-down struggle between addiction and sobriety, she was five months pregnant, had moved back in with a friend and had once again turned to drugs, smoking heroin and trying crack for the first time. She needed something to help her break …
Read more on Chillicothe Gazette
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment – NPR
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers To Treatment – NPR
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers To Treatment
NPR The doctors shook their heads: Heroin withdrawal is not life-threatening, they said, and we can't admit you. They gave him an IV flush, and sent him home. Marchese, then 26, and his sister called multiple inpatient clinics only to be told: We have no beds. |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers – Boston Globe
Boston Globe |
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers
Boston Globe Advocates say they are not, partly because the insurance industry has not come to grips with the dangers of heroin withdrawal and its aftermath. It is true that, unlike withdrawal from dependencies on alcohol or benzodiazepines like Xanax, heroin … |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Coroner: Bucks inmate died of heart failure during heroin withdrawal – Bucks County Courier Times
I Was Young When I Left Home: How Kurt Cobain's Voice Resonates
I Was Young When I Left Home: How Kurt Cobain's Voice Resonates
On the day I'm trying to finish off this essay, the rain starts in the early morning and by noon the backyard is filled with puddles. It's the end of March; the temperature nicks 40 degrees and drops. The rain turns to pellets of ice, then snow. And …
Read more on PopMatters
My Health Project (Heroin) – Health project back in 2001.
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment – Sci-Tech Today
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment – Sci-Tech Today
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment
Sci-Tech Today Are heroin addicts getting the treatment they need to successfully beat their habits?Advocates say they are not, partly because the insurance industry has not come to grips with the dangers of heroin withdrawal and its aftermath. Heroin withdrawal does … |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers – Boston Globe
Boston Globe |
Heroin users seeking treatment may hit insurance barriers
Boston Globe Advocates say they are not, partly because the insurance industry has not come to grips with the dangers of heroin withdrawal and its aftermath. It is true that, unlike withdrawal from dependencies on alcohol or benzodiazepines like Xanax, heroin … |
Heroin Withdrawal – Google News
Heroin epidemic gives rise to a generation of ‘Suboxone babies’ – Al Jazeera America (blog)
New Drug Policies Applauded
New drug policies applauded
March 29– Lisa Murphy missed Gov. Deval Patrick's Thursday press conference announcing his aggressive plan to throw an arsenal of attention and $ 20 million toward combating opiate addiction. In his announcement Thursday, Patrick promised $ 20 million …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)
Opiate overdoses forum in Braintree set for April 3
According to Robyn LaFrance, services coordinator in Sullivan's office, Fowkes will speak about legislation co-sponsored by Lynch that would withdraw the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of the high-dose narcotic painkiller Zohydro. Because …
Read more on Wicked Local Braintree
Heroin users constantly face risk of overdose, death
Wilmington is a distribution point for the overdose rescue kits. To obtain a kit, call 336-543-8050. The patient isn't breathing. His lips … Not all of those overdoses were related to heroin or opiates. During a heroin overdose, the user's breathing …