
Suboxone High, Help Needed for Paper?

Question by wvu9787: Suboxone High, Help Needed for paper?
hi, first off i would like to say i don’t not do drugs, except alcohol and tobacco, i dont not condone drug use. I am doing a paper for class on prescripion drug abuse. my question is does the drug suboxone get a person “high” if used in a abusive way (chewing, snorting) and if so what are is the users high like(experence), and also what are the normal dosage (mg.) that a user would take to achive the high.

once again this is for my school paper, so please dont take it the worng way.

thanks to you all
(also sorry for the spelling errors, never was my best subject lol)

Best answer:

Answer by CEEG
suboxone is a drug made to get off opiates. it does not get you high. it tricks the receptors in your brain to think your getting high therefore you dont get withdrawal symptoms .-makes you feel satisfied with out needing the drug. methadone on the other hand can get you high. do some internet research

Answer by Alicia
CEEG must of never took suboxone, because it can produce a high. not for me personally, but i’ve seen junkies shoot it, snort it, and feen for it like no other!!!! i don’t know what it is but some bodies do get high from it and some don’t.