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What Are the Difference of weed/LSD/cocaine/Meth/acid…?

Question by I have a hat: What are the difference of weed/LSD/cocaine/Meth/acid…?
I know they’re all illegal drugs, but what really are their difference chemically, physically, side effects. price, availability and etc.
heroin, marijuana, ecstasy, and etc..

btw, is marijuana also the same as weed?

Best answer:

Answer by Evan
Weed- is a herb. It is used for many things and common side effects are interest in colour and music. Prices can range and can easily be found.

LSD(acid)- This drug is made of unique chemicals, common side effects are distorted visuals and no sense of time. This drug can vary depending on what type of form you are looking for. This isn’t as easy to find you may have to look around for a while.

Cocaine- Unsure of, I know it is mixed with some type of pant and often with household chemicals. The high doesn’t last long and it is expensive. Common side effects are irritability.

Meth- Is all made if household products you can find under your sink. You’ll stay up for days on end and the cravings are so strong. This drug isn’t pretty. Common side effects include insomnia, hallucinations, the feeling of bugs crawling under your skin and aggression. This drug can be found anywhere and cheap.

Acid- Is just another name for LSD

Answer by Raven
That’s a braod question but I will try to be as succinct as I can.

Marijuana and “weed” are the same thing. Weed is a nickname for marijuana, just like “dope”, “Mary Jane”, “ganja” and lots of other nicknames. Marijuana is NOT addictive. It is not usually very expensive. Sometimes people with pre-existing psychological problems have dependency issues with it because it makes them feel good, but it has no withdrawal effects and poor “tolerance”. Marijuana isn’t even really a drug – it is the dried leaves of a plant that produce psychoactive effects. The same is true of coffee.

Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that became very popular in the 90s. Think raves. It is a bit pricey, mostly a white, upperclass person’s drug. Ecstasy makes some people feel like they have a lot of love for the whole world and just generally very positive feelings and they want to dance and move around. Some people – although not all – have a bad “coming down” effect afterward, where they cry a lot and become very depressed. I don’t generally recommend ecstasy use for that reason.

Heroin is processed from the poppy plant. There are many drugs in this family that all come from the same plant: opium, morphine, oxycodone, codeine, etc. Some of these have medicinal uses, primarily pain relief. However, all of them have very strong addictive properties, and the addiction is almost impossible to break. The drug is generally cheap to obtain. Most heroin users begin by smoking it, then later turn to injecting it because the rush or high is better. Of course, any drugs you inject can be very dangerous for a number of reasons. I know several people who have died because they were unable to stop doing heroin.

Cocaine in all of it’s forms is also highly addictive. Unlike heroin, which makes people feel sleepy, cocaine makes you feel hyped up and energetic. Crack cocaine is the cheap version, usually sold in the ghetto and trailer parks. It destroys peoples lives completely.