Opiate Detox: Have I Got ADD or Am I Just a Lazy Stoner… or Both?
Question by Michael: Have I got ADD or am I just a lazy stoner… or both?
I’ve never really thought about this before but I noticed that I have awful concentration, and when I read something I have to read over about 5 times before it actually sinks in, if it sinks in at all. I can’t read books or info-sheets at college because of this, and sometimes the teacher will tell us what to do and then a 20 seconds later I’ll stop daydreaming and ask what they just told us to do because I couldn’t remember/wasn’t listening. I also have loads of thoughts going through my head at once and sometimes I kind of zone out from everything because there’s so much going on.
It take me absolutely ages to complete one little bit of work, like I will start an essay (that should take 30 mins) and I won’t even finish it in one day because I keep getting distracted and going off to do other things. I am very clever, I get full marks in these essays I do and I’m on track for an A* in my maths A-level, but this concentration issue is really getting on my nerves and I don’t know what to do because I find it really hard to revise, and if I don’t revise I won’t do well in my exams. This has made me debate whether or not I should go to uni, because I find it really hard to motivate myself sometimes and uni requires a lot of independent study.
The other (possible) problem is that I’ve been smoking weed since I was about 13 so I don’t know if that is to blame for it, some people tell me it is, and it probably is partly responsible, but weed isn’t actually that bad in moderation, it is a lot less harmful than alcohol!
So basically, have I got ADD, or any other learning difficulty? Is there anything I can do to help? Should I go to uni??
Best answer:
Answer by ?•?•?
Lets go over the basics. U are calling yourself a ‘Lazy Stoner’. This indicates a conscious refusal to stop smoking weed.
Addiction is defined not by quantity or frequency of use of a substance but the inability to make yourself stop doing something despite mounting consequences.
Do U have addiction in Ur family of origin? Meaning, are ANY Of Ur Grandparents, Parents, Aunt/Uncles, or close cousins addicts or have addictive qualities? If so, it means U most likely inherited the genetics for addiction, which U share with 30% of the population of the planet.
Of that 30%, 9% have the brain biology to become addicted to Weed.
U started smoking weed at the age of 13. That is 5 to 6 years before Ur physical brain finished developing. Smoking copious amounts of weed before Ur brain is finished developing has been documented to lead to long term memory problems & the inability to achieve healthy emotional & interpersonal milestones.
So to be blunt, U caused yourself both physical bran damage & retarded Ur emotional development & prevented the development of healthy coping mechanisms. When U feel bad for any reason, U don’t know how to deal with it so U turn to the weed to numb the feelings.
U started using perception altering substances at the super young age of 13. This indicates that U come from an unhealthy family of origin. SOMETHING about Ur home life caused U to seek a chemical escape from the feelings Ur family evoked in U that U didn’t know how to cope with at the time. It doesn’t automatically indicate that something was horribly wrong like U were beaten or molested but just that SOMETHING was going wrong & led U to seek escape from the feelings U hadn’t been able to cope with.
ALL of this indicates U are most likely a person that is an addict, & ALLLL addicts have ADD/ADHD.
U’re over the age of 18 & have the genetics for addiction. This means U need to focus more on getting Ur addiction treated & that should be enough to treat Ur ADD/ADHD. DO NOT get Ur ADD treated without informing Ur doctor that U ARE AN ADDICT because they’ll most likely try to put U on ADD Medications, which are SPEED, amphetamines… The chemical equivalent of smoking meth.
Weed & Meth stimulate the same brain receptors, just in different ways & will only exacerbate the speed at which Ur addictive biology will progress.
It is documented in the annals of medicine that when people use weed for a long time, eventually it will stop working & start to trigger mental health issues, USUALLY panic attacks but also profound depression. This happens on a different scale for each person. For me, it happened when I was 26, for some, it doesn’t happen until they are in their 50’s, For others, it starts the first time they smoke. When the weed stops making users feel good & yet they don’t stop, they up their usage of weed then tend to switch to Meth/Amphetamines.
So if U don’t tell Ur doctors that U’re an addict & they put U on speed, U WILL exacerbate Ur addiction & eventually abuse Ur meds then go out & get meth.
DO NOT stop smoking weed without a support network. Weed abstinence after prolonged, heavy use leads to up to 6 months of “Detox”, which starts with sleep disturbances, depression &/or anxiety, & random suicidality unrelated to the depression/anxiety. Literally, U’ll be in class or taking a shower & just think “WOW. I think it would be a good idea to kill myself. How would I do that?” & start to dwell on it.
Like I said above, only 9% of those that already have the genetics for addiction are CAPABLE of becoming addicted to weed but when it happens, it is a PROFOUND addiction that is as hard to stop as opiates/heroin. U’ll feel like a beloved family member died & just CRAVE weed. This is what addiction means… The inability to stop dwelling on DOING MORE even after U know it is bad & U want to stop. If U CAN stop on Ur own, feel free to do so… Otherwise, U need treatment.
So, what are Ur options? 1. Go to student health services & request a therapist that knows about addiction. 2. Go to Weed Anonymous, get a sponsor, & start walking the steps. 3. Pay for in patient.
If U have a trauma history, meaning, U were molested U will need MEDICALLY SUPERVISED TREATMENT. Trauma + Substances =PROFOUND Addiction.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m NOT Anti-Weed. I’ve assessed the research & have a REALISTIC view of this psychoactive, perception altering drug that is only “Bad” when people can’t stop using it. I haven’t been able to partake since 2006 because it triggered panic attacks, but I lucked out & didn’t inherit the biological ability to get hooked on weed, so I just stopped. It sucked, I miss being able to smoke, but I know it will be bad. Weed isn’t “Bad”, but when combined with specific brain biology, it becomes bad for THAT INDIVIDUAL. Don’t listen to those that refuse to believe that it is addictive. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PSYCHOLOGICALLY ADDICTIVE.
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